Thank you and Congratulations!

Rutland area Democrats–

THANK YOU for your all of your work leading up to the elections, and for turning out to vote in unprecedented numbers!

You accomplished so much during this election cycle.

Together, your work and your votes:

1. Maintained every D/P-P/D incumbent House seat in the county. (Congratulations to Robin Chesnut-Tangerman Dave Potter, Mary Howard, Linda Joy Sullivan, and Sandy Haas)

2. Elected 3 new Democrats to the House, a HUGE part in putting us over the top for a ‘veto proof’ majority against GovScott for the next two years.
(Congratulations to William Notte, Stephanie Jerome, and Logan Nicoll)

3. Elected our first Democratic State Senator since 2010, the only gain in the entire state.
(Congratulations to Cheryl Mazzariello Hooker)

4. Showed strong majority support for our winning State and Federal candidates.
(Congratulations to David Zuckerman, Doug Hoffer, Jim Condos, Beth Pearce, TJ Donovan, Peter Welch, and Bernie Sanders)

And you did it with phones in hand and with boots on the ground, talking with neighbors, writing letters, registering people to vote, and empowering young folks to come out in record numbers (our future is bright, indeed).

Despite rain, sleet and snow you got out the vote and helped bring about a #BlueWave that swept the nation, giving us our biggest House majority since 2006 and flipping 7 state Governors. Both give us great power against the Trump agenda.

This is what patriotism looks like. Today day I’m especially proud to be an American and a Vermonter.



Julian Fenn, Chair Rutland County Democrats

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