H.531 Invest in Childcare
According to Mitzi Johnson, Vermont Speaker of the House, “this bill aims to make childcare more accessible and affordable for Vermont families by placing the retention and professional development of childcare professionals as a top priority.”
H.531 invests $10.5 million in Vermont’s childcare and early learning system. It includes:
• increased reimbursement rates to childcare providers
• a student loan program for early educators to further their professional development
• investments in revamping the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP).
For more information, see this handout.
Policies like this make Vermont a more attractive state to live, work, and raise a family. According to Ann Pugh, Chair of the House Committee on Human Services, “the difficulties associated with funding child care can result in young families delaying having children or deciding not to have children at all. This bill aims to ensure that Vermont’s children are safe and that caregivers are receiving adequate compensation with the opportunity to further their education. High quality childcare will shape Vermont’s next generation and grow our economy.”
Let’s invest in our futures!