4 weeks until the election – get involved
With a little over 4 weeks to go until the election, here are some ways to get involved:
Week 4 – Make sure everyone knows that early voting has started; encourage friends and family to vote and to vote early. Put out a lawn sign, write a letter to the editor, and brag to your friends and families about your efforts. Go to ActBlue and contribute to one or more candidates. As little as $5 helps! https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/rutland
And attend these events:
Tuesday October 9 Castleton University Senatorial Candidates Forum – a forum for the Rutland County Senatorial Candidates is tentatively scheduled
Wednesday October 10
• 2-4 pm Honk & Wave for Democratic/Progressive Senate Candidates at corner of Columbiana Ave and 4, Rutland City
• 6:30 pm Gubernatorial Debate at the Paramount Theater, 30 Center Street, Rutland City. Free event. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vtdigger-2018-gubernatorial-forum-paramount-theatre-rutland-vt-wednesday-october-10-2018-tickets-50229908007
• 6:30pm – D. D. Guttenplan, The Next Republic – Phoenix Books Rutland, 2 Center Street. Free and open to all. Who are the new progressive leaders emerging to lead the post-Trump return to democracy in America? National political correspondent and award-winning author D.D. Guttenplan’s The Next Republic is an extraordinarily intense and wide-ranging account of the recent fall and incipient rise of democracy in America. The Next Republic profiles nine successful activists who are changing the course of American history right now.
Thursday, October 11
• 2-4 pm Honk & Wave for Democratic/Progressive Senate Candidates at corner of Allen St. and 7, Rutland City
• 4-5:30 pm Meet and Greet Senate Candidate Scott Garren at Thoroughbreads, Wallingford
• 5-8 pm Canvass for Rep. Candidate Logan Nicoll – Contact [email protected] for location and other details.
Friday October 12
• 2-4 pm Honk & Wave with Honk & Wave for Democratic/Progressive Senate Candidates at corner of Windcrest and 7, Rutland City
• 6:00 pm Castleton Indivisible Postcarding for national elections
Saturday October 13 1:45 pm Canvass with Tim Guiles – meet at 44 Carver St., Brandon. No experience necessary. Wear comfortable shoes.
Sunday October 14 12-4 pm Cavass for Rep. Candidate William Notte – meet at Speakeasy Café, 67 Center Street, Rutland City
Week 3 – Join a Get-out-the-vote canvas. Don’t know where one’s being held? Ask us.
Week 2 – Attend the Thursday October 25 Castleton Indivisible postcarding party for local elections; march with the Democrats in the Saturday October 27 Rutland City Halloween Parade.
Week 1 – Encourage friends and family to vote; volunteer to join a candidate at the polls on voting day (even a few minutes of standing on the line can make a world of difference to a tired candidate eager for a little company)
Hope to see you at one or more of these events over the next few weeks!